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Weaving the Feminine - The Wise Women

Online sacred gatherings

Apprenticing ourselves to the earth and our herbal ancestors.


Herbalism and history are both ways to reconnect with our ancestry and understand our world. If we go back, not even that far in our lineage all of us will have people who worked with plants, or who tended the land.



The aim of this membership is to find, learn from and reclaim the Wise Herbal Women and our connection with the earth, through the history of women's medicine, herbal history, wort cunning and herb charming, women's health through cooking, earth magic, ancestral journeys and seasonal celebrations.


This membership is online giving you the benefit of being able to do the journeys and meditations at a time that suits you.


This membership will also include:


Wise Herbal Ways Herb Circle which will provide support to your journey through recorded meditations, recipes and monographs to keep you going deeper in your connection with the plant each month. 


No prior experience needed.  Monthly membership, cancel anytime.



Women's medicine is a story of control, power, gender struggles, capitalism, patriarchy, racism, colonialism and division. It is a story of women's bodies and minds being viewed as inferior to male bodies, of witch trials, of belittling and changing societies views of women's skills, and of limited medical research on female anatomy. To this day, women are still not believed about their medical conditions....think of fibromyalgia as a recent example, where many GPs dismissed it and some still argue that it is not a 'real' disease. Did you know that 'Medical knowledge was based on the male body, and up until the 1990s(!) medication trials were conducted exclusively on men or male animals. We are only just (!) beginning to explore the differences in how female bodies respond to disease and medications.' (Rachel Reed). (Exclamations my additions to the quote)


Bit by bit this important and often overlooked story is what I hope to uncover in this patreon. Alongside this analytical, research-based approach I want to reawaken our innate intuition, women's knowing, opening to magic, through our connection with the land, herbs, women's healing through food as medicine and meditative journeys to meet with our ancestral grandmothers and wise women to reclaim our own bodies, knowledge and voices.



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